Calling on the community to connect
Sep 16, 2014 · by Hilla Hoskonen

Once upon a time there was a research project that became a training method that went online, and that became a tool and a resource for intercultural learning…
Yes that’s us! We at Argonaut help people and organizations get better results when interacting with other cultures. The Argonaut Online tool is an amazing resource for people around the world. That is why we aspire to bring intercultural learners and professionals together and network. To give our great community a voice and to also provide a platform for interesting stories and thought-provoking discussions, we present you this blog!
Argonaut Culture Connections blog has been planned for quite a while already and we are happy you are taking these first steps with us. Whether you are an existing or a former client, a trainer, a member of our expert community or in some other way interested in Argonaut or intercultural issues – welcome on board!
Coming up with the blog name was a challenge. There were a lot of options; there were a lot of ideas. We conducted a discussion on LinkedIn and had several heated brainstorming sessions. We wanted the name to have substance and style AND be original. This proved tricky. A lot of the fantastic (and am being humble here) suggestions we came up with were already taken and although frustrating, this assured us we were on the right track.
So we began to look more closely within Argonaut itself for fresh inspiration. One of the ideas that kept popping up was Culture Connector / Culture Connections. What made this name so special was the history behind it and its sentimental value to the company. Years and years ago, Culture Connector was one of the original contenders for the tool itself and lost out to “Argonaut”. It was a real contender because it shows what the tool is about; it is centred on what cultures have in common rather than focusing on the gaps and what is missing. To put it simply, the tool works to bridge differences and connects cultures. This has not changed over the last 15 years which is why we thought it would be fitting to name the blog Culture Connections. We want the blog to be a fun, exciting and engaging extension of Argonaut Online. We want the blog to connect the Argonaut community together. Ultimately it’s about connecting.
We are keen on hearing your thoughts about the name and this blog, too. You will find the comment section below, feel free to drop us a line!
The journey is just beginning and we are all thrilled to discover what the future holds for the Argonaut Culture Connections and the community. You will be hearing from us again soon. Stay connected!
Wishing you all the best,
Hilla, Gigi and the rest of the Argonaut team