
CultureConnector gives advice and information based on your personal cultural profile.
Buy CultureConnector
Get the option that is right for you: a personal licence, group training, organisation licence or one of our services for trainers. Use the Buy Now links and buttons to add licences to your shopping cart.
CultureConnector buying guide
Get answers to your questions about licences, payment and prices. Download our guide on getting the best price. Find out about subscriptions and what’s included in each plan.
CultureConnector licences
Which licence do you need? Find out if the free version is right for you, or if you’ll need to upgrade to one of our premium licences. Decide which level will get you the right results: Silver, Gold or Diamond.
Order CultureConnector
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CultureConnector prices and plans
See what’s included in each plan (Free, Silver, Gold, Diamond, trainer services) and use the Buy Now links or get detailed information. All the features and options listed on one page.
Apply for not-for-profit status
Request not-for-profit status with CultureConnector
CultureConnector unlimited licence
An Unlimited licence cuts admin and increases return on investment for large-scale L&D initiatives. Scale also brings the opportunity to include cultural factors in your strategy formation.
Answers to detailed questions about licences, trainer tools and other practical issues.
CultureConnector cultures
Get access to knowledge and insights on 80+ cultures. CultureConnector’s content is built on the country-specialist expertise of our Cultural Correspondent community. See which countries we cover today in the list of country profiles.
Key differences
Everyone who uses CultureConnector gets a cultural profile based on 12 key areas where differences and common ground can mean success or failure in cross-cultural work. Here’s a brief look at the profile you’ll get from CultureConnector.