Personal country profiles, personalised advice on crossing cultures, intercultural dilemmas, country information, tutorials, activity report, managerial strategies, organisation profiling, surveys, trainer tools, customisation, technical support, customer service, individual participant information, group participant information, assessment database, task management, welcome note and instructions, tailored registration forms, mail alert, activity report, help and support,


For individuals, Argonaut will increase insight, confidence and success working across cultures. For organisations, Argonaut will bring increased impact, opportunities to reduce cost and manage risk. Find out more about how Argonaut customers and learners are benefitting.

Personal country profiles, personalised advice on crossing cultures, intercultural dilemmas, country information, tutorials, activity report, managerial strategies, organisation profiling, surveys, trainer tools, customisation, technical support, customer service, individual participant information, group participant information, assessment database, task management, welcome note and instructions, tailored registration forms, mail alert, activity report, help and support,


Argonaut offers profiles, strategies, tutorials, assessments and a whole lot more. Find out about the main features of Argonaut for learners and for whole organisations.